Designed to be the easiest way to start playing guitar. We’ve combined advantages of learning how to read music with playing to backing tracks into one progressive course easy enough for anyone to play.

What is Little Rockers all about?

Learn how to read manuscript so that you can play along to the material in the Little Rockers Program.

Check out this lesson on how to hold your guitar correctly

L:earn how to tune your guitar.

Learn how to read a Chord Box.

Use this play along video to see how exercise one is played.

Exercise 1. Heavy Rock

Quick Tips:

  • Use the backing track to play along or the video, this will help keep you in time.

  • Rest your plucking hand on the bridge, this will help you to find the string more easily each time you need to pluck the string. Your goal should be to play the exercise without looking at your plucking hand.

Exercise 2. Heavy Rock

Exercise 4. Rock Ballad

Exercise 3. Classic Rock

Exercise 9. Jazz Ballad

Exercise 10. Motown

Exercise 11. Funk

Exercise 5. Rock Ballad

Exercise 6. Pop Rock

Exercise 7. Finger Picking

Exercise 8. Country Train Beat